Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Asus EEE 900 ordered

I've finally bought my first laptop. I'd been planning on getting some sort of laptop for a while: I bought a wireless mouse 4 months ago, and bought a external DVD/CDROM 2 months ago. I knew I wanted a netbook, but I was originally planning on getting a Samsung NC-10 at around $425. Instead, I saw a refurbished Asus EEE 900
on for $150. There was a slightly upgraded version (2gb SSD and Windows XP instead of Unix) for $175 on their sister site, but I knew XP needed a full GB of RAM, and b0th models had 512kb.
Also, I wanted to try a unix machine to see the differences from Windows and Mac. While I TTY and use UNIX to access an old email account to this day, I haven't used unix since college back in the 80s.
Finally, I wanted to try the cheapest machine I could find to help me decide what features I liked when getting a 'real' laptop later. What features did I hate, which could I live with? This might be fun. A friend called it a hobby.
This is 180 degrees from my regular views on computers. I believe computers should be appliances, and work every time, not constantly needing attention and upgrades. This is why I don't do PC gaming anymore: I hated the 'upgrade game' I had to play whenever I bought a new game.

I ordered it and waited for it to arrive.

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