Thursday, May 07, 2009

Asus EEE 900 analysis pt 1: DRIVE SPACE

I knew this computer would be short on drive space, but I figured I'd delete the programs I wouldn't use (e.g. Skype, Learn Chinese). There's no way to remove any icons or uninstall any programs with the 'easy' GUI.
There's a Disk Space program, and out of the box, it's 66% full. Once it's done doing updates, it's 87% full. This leaves me with 526mb to work with. There's an Add/Remove Program application, but I can't remove anything, just add a handful of selected programs, and even one can fill the rest of the drive. These programs, once installed, can be removed, but that's it.
OK, how to fix this? I found out about the Terminal/Console. This get me to a linux prompt, and I remember some of the commands I used 20 years ago: CD (change directory), LS (list). Still I didn't seem to find a directory were the installed programs were, and no way to remove them. (A week later I did finally find the programs, but I didn't have permission to delete them.) The default console is real dumb, as I couldn't even cut or paste, so as I explored and attempted fixes, plus using the undersized keyboard (great for hunt and peck, but I can't touch type with it without hitting the wrong keys all the time), I had to keep double checking my work to make sure I was typing the correct command.

I check the wiki I found, and see one of the easy things to do is change the default console. I change to one where I CAN cut and paste from another window.

One problem down.

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