Sunday, July 04, 2010

Ride over

Finished the ride in heavy rain. Big difference is that I removed my Oakley sunglasses, which fogged up, and the sun went away.

This was not something I could do while moving, so I pulled off at the next interstate exit and removed them. I made for the nearest shelter, Johnson's Corner . I went into their entrance, pulled off my gear and pulled my phone (surprisingly the only dry item on me) to text Rob that I pulled off and was OK (he was ahead of me when the storm hit and we got separated), and he walked into the entrance from the other direction- he had the same idea.

This is when I took the picture in the previous post.

We warmed up a bit and then made for the bikes to head home. It looked from inside like it had let up, but it was still coming down, was very windy, and cold (~55deg). I've ridden in the rain before (heck I've been in snowstorms), but never in this lightweight gear. So it's a grin and bear it sort of thing. Once you get set in a riding position, the body adapts and it only feels cold when you shift. BTW, when your whole body is shivering while you're riding, it effects the direction and stability of the bike. That's body english for you.

Got home doing about 45mph the rest of the way. In my driveway, shifted the bike into neutral, and the light lit! Previous owner said it was burnt out, and I was going to order a bulb tomorrow. After such a miserable ride, it made me laugh. I stripped off my clothes and took a long, hot shower. I feel much better now.
(I wonder if the saddlebags are waterproof?)

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