Wednesday, November 08, 2006

YAPEDP (yet another post election day post)

As a Republican, I am a bit depressed at the outcome of 11/7. The MSM was saying this was going to happen for months, but I hoped they were just spinning hopefully. Here in Colorado, we elected a Democrat as Governor, and both of the state houses are also Democrat. I've said in the past that I prefer Repubs on the National stage and Dems on the Sate level, but have ended up voting straight Repub even on a state level do to my interest in guns, knives, and motorcycles. I received an email from the Colorado State Shooting Association today, brooding the worst is coming and now is a time to rally new members. Of course if we had won, they would have asked for more members to take advantage of our majority. Still, I hear that many of the new Federal Dem Reps are pro gun, but we'll see over the next two years if they prove that true, or follow the party line of anti-gun. 'They' say this election was about the War in Iraq, but what I think we'll find out is that there are unintended effects of Democrat majorities.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Stranded via Buell

Nice day here, in the mid 60s when I left the house. Decided to ride the motorcycle. I've been having a strange problem with mine. It'll start when cold, or hot, but if I ride 2-3 miles and shut it off, it won't start. I believe this has to do with the auto choke being off, but not hot enough to start without it. I've been caught out three times doing local chores, but figured I'd be ok today. Stopped at the bank drive thru and kept it running. Went to McDonald's and shut it off to make a special order (no cheese). Went back outside and it started, idled for 10 sec while I started putting my gear on, and died. I couldn't get it to catch again. It'll turn over, the battery is fine, and it's not the dummy features (sidestand switch, clutch switch) because then it wouldn't do anything. It's just that there's no boom. Pushed and duck walked the bike a mile to work in full gear after waiting 20 minutes for it to cool. As usual I went out hours later and it started right up. I'm going to throw it at a dealer soon and see if they can reproduce and fix the problem. I like the bike, but need reliable transportation. So annoying! I figure in the 21st century they could have mastered the motorcycle as they have the car.

Tomorrow: Vote, haircut, dentist.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lazy, kinda

I purposefully decided not to go to the rally to get a ticket. It was early and cold, plus I had to meet a business contact at an unspecified time later in the morning, and I didn't want to miss his call. He called around 10 and I met him over at the Philips 66 and I bought some stuff from him. I normally see him on Mondays, at the store, but this was a rush shipment.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Prez in CO

The local paper is awash that the President is coming to Greeley this Saturday. I missed him last time, two years ago. I'm going to try and make it this time. Volunteers get first crack, then registered Repubs, then everyone else. I hope some will be left for me. I may have to delay opening the store tomorrow, or Sat, but I think it's worth it. Other than him, the most famous person I can think of to visit Greeley is Alyssa Milano, who was stumping for Kerry in '04.