Friday, October 21, 2011

Ed's Follies Cigars and Beer

Every so often, I get a whim to do something. Off the cuff, spur of the moment, or as I like to call it, Ed's Folly. This doesn't necessarily mean it's a foolish idea, but it's meant to be fun.

This past Sunday the plan was to stay at home with the guys and BBQ on the porch. I had a folly to go down to Longmont, hit the cigar store, and go for a beer at Left Hand Brewery. We'd tried to go to their tasting room before, but back then it wasn't open on Sundays. As soon as we were all together, into the car and off to Havana Manor. Did some shopping there and off to Left Hand, just a few blocks away. The place was packed, and had a live band playing. We each bought a flight of four beers and went outside to consume, and smoke a cigar. We then decided not to have a cigar, so we were out in the cool fall Colorado air. The beers were good, all of them (we had around 8 different beers between the three of us. (A month ago we went to Ft Collins Brewery and didn't sample a beer we liked. That's beer for you.) Of note as being unique and very good were the Wake Up The Dead russian imperial stout and the Fade To Black Volume 3 pepper porter.

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