Monday, June 29, 2009

Asus EEE 900 update

I've had this for a while now, so I think the observation period is over, and I can make some conclusions.
I am using this mainly for Internet use. In that role it's almost perfect. It boots quickly, connects to wifi quickly, and surfing seems smooth and seamless, and I haven't noticed any web pages Firefox doesn't like. The keyboard is still too small for me to touch-type on, but you don't do much typing if you're just surfing.
The Unix experiment has been a moderate success. Easy Peasy has a nice interface, is quick to boot, and the installed apps (that is, the Easy Peasy ones, not the stock ones) work very well. However, it is still difficult to find and install additional software. I want Control Panel apps for controlling my keyboard and touch pad. The updater is rather annoying, saying I need to update files every time I boot up. Especially annoying is it saying I should upgrade to Unbuntu 9.4. I have no idea if this is better than Easy Peasy, and while I know that Easy Peasy is a version of Unbuntu, I'd only like the installer to tell me about new versions of Easy Peasy. Also, I am still up against memory storage problems with only 4gb on board, so all these updates are filling up the SSD. I save all my files to a 8gb SD card, so only system programs and files are on the SSD.
As a portable media player, again, a qualified success. It plays all music formats fine, but video sometimes stutters and it's won't play HD video (of course, only my newest work PC will).
When I travel via plane later this year, I may take either this or my small but powerful Archos 605 media player. The 605 is smaller, lighter, a touch screen, has a longer total run time as I have an additional battery for it, and has a 160gb drive, but the Asus has a larger screen, is more flexible, a keyboard, USB ports. Not sure which I'll take. The Archos is better on the plane, and while I'm traveling, the Asus is better once I get there. Most likely I'll take the Asus.

I like the Asus enough that I'm not going to update to another netbook. I feel it would be a waste of money to gain that addition 20% comfort and usability.

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