Monday, December 18, 2006

Counter protest flag

Whenever I see an pro (illegal) immigration rally someone is carrying a Mexican flag. This seems the wrong idea to me. Shouldn't they be carrying an American flag? I'm trying to think of a flag one could carry to counter protest that flag. Don't Tread on me? 13 Colonies flag? Canadian flag? A sports team (local or hated opponent)? I'm also trying to find an analogy:

"Carrying a Mexican flag at an immigration rally is like..."

Help me out here.

Solution to the imigration problem

This sounds simple to me, and easy to do, so I know I'm forgetting something.

A Guest Worker system, BUT the worker has to be in another country to get it. Illegal aliens can't get it.

Murders have families too!

Greeley was the site of the largest ICE raids of all time a week ago. While this may not have made national news, it's been wall to wall coverage here ever since. 221 people were detained, mostly for being illegal aliens and for stolen identities.
Also last week, a man on the county's most wanted list for attempted murder and kidnapping was killed. He was pulled over, ran away while shooting at police, busted down a apartment door and when the resident locked herself in her bedroom, he shot the doorknob but didn't get in. She escaped. After 3hrs of negotiation, teargas was fired. A LOT of teargas as this apartment has a weird layout. He didn't come out. When police tried to enter, he charged them with his gun. They fired and killed him.

The Greeley Tribune posts many voice, email, blog and mailed comments on their Opinion page. Both stories elicited comments about the families involved. The wanted man's family were angry he was killed, and that they weren't able to talk to him during the standoff. The families of the arrested illegals made comments about the arrested being treated like animals, being unable to communicate with them, and how they would survive without the family member and their income.

There seems to be a growing trend to not blame a person for what they've done, but to blame others. Don't want to get shot? Don't join a street gang, don't kidnap or try to murder people. Don't want to get arrested for being an illegal alien? Don't become one. If you want to do things you have to look at the possible outcomes to yourself and others.
I think this same mentality also leads to too many lawsuits. Hot coffee burns you? Sue. Feel like using your lawn mower to cut shrubs and something bad happens? Sue. Slip on the ice? Sue.

A quick rant: Auto insurance. We have mandatory auto insurance here. Yet, when you get insurance, you need liability, collision, comprehensive, uninsured motorist, etc. Insurance should protect you, not protect others from you. I understand that it feels wrong for you to pay if it's someone else's fault, but it makes sense. "I got hit by some guy. My husband got injured. My house burned down. Luckily, I have insurance" Makes sense, right?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

New Lefty Mayos

I received two rare knives this week. Left handed Tom Mayo knives: A Dr Death and a TMX.

The Dr Death is 4" long spear shaped and CPM154V steel.

The TMX is 3.5" long with a slight recurve and is made of 6K Stellite. Note the backwards logo placement. The Mayo logo is on the left (back) side of the knife.